In the Trophy Guide I will list the story-related and area-specific missable trophies first and next to each other so it is easier for you to keep track of what you should be earning and when. Most of the trophies are story-related and cannot be missed, but there are several missable trophies that you will want to keep an eye out for, including a few collectibles. Hard mode is quite challenging at times with one or two spots in particular, but for the most part, it is nothing too difficult. You won’t need to replay the entire game for this trophy, just the first half (assuming you collect all collectibles in your first playthrough). Obtaining the platinum trophy in Stranger’s Wrath can be done in one playthrough, but this will involve capturing some bounties alive in order to earn enough Moolah (money) to obtain the Mo Moolah trophy, a difficult task on Hard mode.